Best Tips to Follow for Getting a Better Night’s Sleep at a Hotel - Voice Magazines

Best Tips to Follow for Getting a Better Night’s Sleep at a Hotel

When staying in hotels, many travelers have a common problem, and that is getting a poor night’s sleep. Sometimes, hotels or sleeping in other places can feel unfamiliar which results in difficulty to get a good night sleep. However, if that is still your issue, here are some helpful tips that you can follow that may enhance the possibility of a better snooze. Whether you’re on a long weekend break with your friends, or you’re on a business trip, you may want to consider these things for you to have that peaceful sleep in a hotel.

Mirror your own bedroom at home

Hotel rooms are always arranged in a certain way, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t create some changes to somehow copy your bedroom at home. What you can do best to make your room as sleep-friendly as possible is to make it as dark, peaceful, and cool as you can.

If you’re the type of person that gets easily distracted by the interior and exterior noise that affects your sleep, you can take earplugs with you to lessen the sound you hear. For a more comfortable sleep, you can draw the curtains or close the blackout blinds to keep your room dark. According to, the ideal recommended temperature for sleeping is between 15 to 19°C. Try to use the heating or cooling functions to adjust the room to the right temperature you prefer for you to get a good night’s sleep.

Check the hotel’s mattresses

Before you finalize your booking at a hotel, it may be necessary that you give them a quick call to ask about the materials the hotel’s mattresses are made from. Take this advice as an essential one because the materials can impact the quality of your sleep.

You may want to avoid mattresses that are made from foam or polyester because these materials won’t breathe in a reasonable way. This means that no matter how cool you set the air-con or how wide you open windows, you will still feel sticky and sweaty, giving you that average night sleep. But if you find that the hotel you’re planning to stay has mattresses that are made from materials such as cotton, wool, cashmere, or horsehair, then that’s good news! Materials like these are a far more breathable option that can give you a cooler comfy feeling for a more improved assurance of a high-quality rest.

Eat healthier before going to bed

Although when traveling, you may want to make the most of your stay with indulging yourself with steaks, burgers, or other deluxe on the menu, doing this might interfere with your nighttime bliss. It’s more recommended that you go for a lighter meal option if you are heading to bed a few hours later because heavy meals can result in indigestion.

It might be also tempting to wallow in late-night snacks and sweets, however, there is a study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania where researchers found out that eating late at night will most likely push up glucose and insulin levels and may increase your risk of health issues such as type 2 diabetes.

If you ever get room service, an effective tip you can do is to place the finished tray outside the room. Why? The smell of food during the night will just cause trouble in your sleep cycle. Plus! Try to avoid reaching for the bag chocolates and free coffee before bed either. Both of these have caffeine and will just stimulate your brain and body, making you more awake when you’re trying to get to sleep.

Take several home comforts along with you

To make the hotel room more comfortable and place you at sereneness, sleep experts suggest bringing some home comforts along with you for a faster adjustment. Since we are creatures of habit, this is an effective way for you feel at home anywhere you go. The more you can mirror your home bedtime routine, then the more effective it is for you to enjoy a relaxing and homey sleep.

Being away from home can be hard to get that perfect slumber with those unfamiliar and unpleasant sounds, smells, and more. Buy try to follow these tips when you are a thousand miles away from home and get a good night’s sleep. Have fun on your next getaway!

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