What Are the Different Types of Windows Shutters - Voice Magazines

What Are the Different Types of Windows Shutters

When it comes to choosing the best window dressings, most of the homeowners usually choose between curtains or blinds without considering other options like Shutters. With the selection of right window shutter, you can easily add elegance and extra touch of luxury to space along with security and warmth.

Today, you will come across with a variety of shutter styles and designs in the market. This may make you confuse when it comes to understanding the difference between different styles and their benefits. So, to make the process a bit easier here is the quick overview of all the models and styles available in window shutter. Here is the helpful guide on a variety of window shutter styles and models.

Also read Benefits of Installing Aluminium Shutters

Tier on tier design

Tier on Tier Shutters is designed with two different sections, giving the homemakers the required freedom to enable natural lighting and air to sweep in while maintaining the ultimate privacy and security for the property. You can select from a variety of colour schemes and material to complement the overall decor and interior style properly.

Wooden models

The most classy and elegant shutter style is the Wooden Shutters which would never go out of trend. You can make use of it in any room and space of your house and it would definitely deliver a classy and elegant look. With the right selection of wooden shutter, you can easily add timeless style to your home decor. They are available in a wide variety of finishing and styles to suit your specific need.

Vinyl options

Vinyl Shutters are known mainly for its durability, waterproofing and robustness, making it the most practical option for all the rooms of your house. This type of shutter is mainly used in areas like kitchen, bathroom and courtyards where moisture is available in abundance. Vinyl is the material which can be used in these areas because of its waterproofing characteristics. But it can also be used in other rooms of your house which would enhance the overall elegance and beauty.

Blackout designs

If you want to enjoy sound and restful sleep at night without getting interrupted by light and noise outside, then install blackout Shutters in your bedroom. There are some models of blackout shutter which are known to offer your room with maximum darkness without compromising on the overall decor and style of your room. Apart from blocking the artificial lighting outside, it is also known to block the external noises, thereby creating an ideal space in bedroom and restroom for sound and restful sleep.

Shaped designs

Every room has different windows and not all are equally designed and nor are the Shutters manufactured accordingly. If your rooms have differently designed windows, then make a statement by installing the shaped shutter on the windows. Specifically, designed moldings and louvers can be customized to fit the arch of the porthole windows and give it a new dimension.

Cafe style designs

The cafe style shutter is designed to deliver a complete privacy without blocking out the lighting. The bottom of the window would be closed, and the top half would remain open, thereby offering the homemakers with best of both the worlds. You can install this type of shutter in all the front facing windows in your house. It would add an elegant character as well as dynamic silhouette. You will get a feeling that you are living in one of the villages of Mediterranean era.

Bay window designs

One of the beautiful features of a living room and bedroom is the bay window and accentuating the looks of these windows is always a complicated task. But you can choose any elegant shutter design for bay windows which would help you to achieve the timeless look.

So, these are some of the types of window shutters which you must consider installing in your home to give a new appearance.

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