Why Should You Add Roadside Assistance in Auto Insurance Cover

When you own a vehicle or driving a borrowed vehicle, there is always a risk of breakdown anywhere in the middle of road. If you drive this motor vehicle every day, you perhaps in advance by its unusual behavior conclude that your vehicle needs a service or repair. You can take pre-hand precaution in such situation and you can take it for repair to prevent occurrence of breakdown.

The situation is not the same every time, especially when you are driving someone else’s vehicle and you don’t know the fault. The situation becomes grim when you are in the middle of road and your vehicle gives a jerk to you by stopping all of a sudden. The situation is worsened when you are on some isolated location, where you can’t find any auto service center nearby or have no option to call your auto mechanic. A mishap can occur anywhere, and one needs to be prepared to face such instances at any given time.

Roadside assistance for vehicle breakdown

This support, in an awkward situation, can be offered by a breakdown service. This term is actually referred for roadside assistance service, a facility in case of emergency breakdown, which has advantage of offering auto repair support when you can’t take your vehicle to some auto service or repair center. The concept of mobile mechanic is also successfully operating in some countries such as United States and Australia. This can also be referred as a type of a breakdown service, though not in actual.

Roadside assistance:

What is auto roadside assistance? It is an emergency service which offers auto repair support in condition of breakdown emergency. This service is sometimes included in auto insurance cover, but some leading roadside assistance companies such as AAA offers this service at some additional one-time price with insurance cover. There are some roadside assistance companies that offer annual membership for this service. This breakdown service is available for members 24×7 free of cost for most types of breakdown, except few paid services such as extra fuel, lubricant, etc. or towing service which are chargeable at actual price without labor costs.

Services offered by roadside assistance:

This type of service is available for many types of equipments, other than automotive, but we will discuss here about advantages of auto breakdown service. Roadside Assistance for vehicle breakdown has several advantages. Suppose, in the middle of road someone is short of fuel, meets an accident or is stuck in a sudden breakdown. Roadside assistance offers flat tyre service, battery jump start, emergency fuel delivery service, lockout service, towing service, or any other emergency repair which can be performed on the spot without need of taking a vehicle to a service center.

How roadside assistance supports in vehicle breakdown?

The roadside assistance company has a fleet of breakdown service vehicles equipped with necessary repair tools and an expert mechanic. When you make a service call from the breakdown or accident location, the service vehicle from nearby location will arrive on the spot, usually within half an hour to one hour. The mechanic will make necessary repair or render service on the spot, or will arrange towing service, if on the spot repair is possible. The tow crane will take vehicle to auto service center’s location for repairs. The service is available for all two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles.

Why to add roadside assistance in auto insurance?

Buying roadside assistance cover for breakdown service is important and should be considered seriously. This is add-on on your insurance cover, if you buy it with your auto insurance, but a little additional cost on auto insurance offers a great deal of facilities that can save you from trouble of getting stranded in the middle of road or on a secluded place in the event of vehicle breakdown. This will also save your time and expenses when breakdown of your vehicle occurs.

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