What is Alopecia Areata and its Treatments?

Alopecia Areata is an auto-immune disease that can be best defined as hair loss. During this condition, the person suffers from severe hair loss that clumps and are often the size of quarters. The signs and symptoms of alopecia areata differ from person to person.

For some, it can stay confined to a single area and for others, it can also reach other areas. In rare case scenarios the hair might regrow but later falls off. The patient might suffer from the consequences depending upon the condition that they are dealing with:

Alopecia Areata Totalis

During this condition, the person suffers from severe hair loss that makes the person completely and totally bald.

Alopecia Areata Universalis

According to a hair transplant surgeon in Faisalabad, In this condition of alopecia areata, the person has to deal with hair loss that encapsulates the entire body of the person.

Diffuse Alopecia Areata

During this condition, the person does not deal with hair loss but has to deal with thinning of hair which accounts for hair loss in patches.

Ophiasis Alopecia Areata

In this type of hair fall, the hair loss occurs in a band shape, starting from the sides and then reaching the back of the head.

What are the Symptoms of Alopecia Areata?

The premium and main sign of Alopecia Areata is hair loss. But in some cases it is also accompanied by the given signs and symptoms:

  • Formation of bald patches on the scalp as well as the other body parts
  • Development of patches on different areas of the body and then culminating into one
  • Hair tends to grow in one spot and then fall out from another
  • Cold weathers lead to more aggressive hair loss
  • Fingernails are subjected to being brittle, pitted, and become red

Although during this condition the person does not feel redness or a severe tingling sensation in the skin. There is no itching or a burning sensation in the skin but hair loss is unavoidable.

What are the Risk Factors for Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune system disease that accounts for deadly risk factors. During this condition, the immune system starts attacking the body. In this special case scenario, it’s the hair follicles that are affected by this condition.

Although the doctors are unable to pinpoint the exact area or reason that is the main subject matter for this condition, the highest speculation resides on the genes and genetics of the family of a person.

But given below factors can act as a risk in raising the chances for this hair loss condition:

  • Family history or a family person that is dealing with it
  • Down syndrome
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Conditions of thyroid or thyroid diseases
  • Vitiligo
  • Pernicious anemia

What are the Diagnostic Measures for Alopecia Areata?

You need to talk to a healthcare specialist if you are speculating about this condition. They will do the following:

  • Might talk to you about your signs and symptoms and the time period since you are having them
  • Take a closer look at the areas where you are suffering from severe hair loss
  • Gently tug at your hair to asses whether they fall out easily or not
  • Take a closer look at your nails
  • Assess the individual hair or the hair follicles to see if there is a change in their shape or not

In rare case scenarios, the doctor can also ask you to undergo a biopsy. During this condition, a small piece of skin from your scalp will be tested for the analysis of any sort of fungal infection. You might also be asked for a blood test to check whether you have thyroid or any other type of immune system issues.

What are the Best Treatments for Alopecia Areata?

There is no concrete cure for alopecia aerata. In often case scenarios a person might end up needing a hair transplant so that they are able to maintain good hair.

Other sorts of treatments can also be as below:


If alopecia is because of auto-immune problems then corticosteroids are helpful for catering to the issue. Doctors can give these medications as a type of injection. You can also take it in the form of a pill or you can rub it on your skin, your choice.

Topical immunotherapy

In case the person is dealing with a severe case of hair loss, this treatment is often recommended. The specialized chemicals are applied to the scalp so that an allergic reaction can be produced.  If this therapy works then this method is extended so that the person is able to grow more hair.


It is a rather famous type of treatment that involves the application of this medicine on the scalp. You have to take it for about a span of 12 months to enjoy any visible progress.

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