Top 5 WOLRLD'S LARGEST HIMALAYAN PINK SALT MINES | Standard Salts - Voice Magazines


Although salt is now widely available, it was once hard to come by and was considered a delicacy and a symbol of wealth. Before the Industrial Revolution, salt mining was very dangerous and was mainly done by hand. Salt suppliers quickly became dehydrated due to constant exposure to salt and inhalation of salt dust, resulting in a very short life. Slaves and prisoners therefore worked in the area. The harshness of mining made salt a precious symbol of wealth on the table.

Now, however, salt is a staple of the cuisine. The efficiency of mining has made salt more accessible and cheaper. Here are the ten most famous salt mines in the world.


What is Himalayan salt?

Himalayan salt is a pink-colored salt that is mined near the Himalayas in South Asia. Now it’s everywhere. Not only can you find it in grocery stores and specialty shops, but its attractive color makes it really noticeable in household items like table lamps.


The best Himalayan salt mines in the world.


-Himalayan Salt Mine, Germany

The Ace Salt Mine has been the subject of much controversy over the past decade. It was a mine that produced potash and rock salt between 1906 and 1965. After the closure of the plant, it was taken over by the state to test the idea of storing radioactive waste.

Between 1967 and 1978, approximately 125 000 barrels of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste were stored in the mine. In 2008, however, some media reported that contaminated brine was being pumped into deeper parts of the mine. This was because groundwater in the area was threatening the integrity of the shaft, which could lead to corrosion of the barrels and leakage into the water. This are particularly dangerous if the mine is flooded.

In addition, the mountain itself will be less stable, which could cause cracks that can lead to flooding. It is fearful that the cave could collapse completely. In 2010, a decision was made to remove the dust, which may take several years. However, these sites are at risk and it may be better to leave the barrels in place.


-Danakil Hospital, Ethiopia

The Danakil salt mines are some of the most notorious salt mines in the world because their climate doesn’t match reality. The salt mines is also known as the “gates of hell” because they will be consider as the hottest place on earth. As part of Danakil lies 300 metres below sea level and is a cauldron surrounds by volcanoes, temperatures here can reach up to 120 degrees Celsius in summer.

However, monkeys still enter the boiler in the morning, when the temperature is only 50-60°C, to remove blocks of salt from the 800 mm thick salt layer. In Ethiopia, these salt blocks when you use once as currency and are now sold throughout the country. They are usually suppling to farmers who provide essential minerals to their livestock.


-Wilichka salt mine in Poland

The Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland is a World Heritage Site and a Polish National Monument. It is no longer use as an industrial mine, but mainly as a tourist attraction. The dark gray salt deposits date back to the Miocene period, about 13.6 million years ago. The first mention of salt in Wieliczka dates back to the 12th century, when a Benedictine monastery was granted the right to extract salt from the mine. The mine operated from the 13th century until its official closure in 1996. It survived the German occupation from 1939 to 1944.


-Plachova Salt Mine, Romania

The Prachova Salt Mine is the largest salt mine in Europe. It no longer used for industrial purposes, but now has more interesting uses. It is used for medical and health travel.

Visitors can enjoy 14 beautiful galleries, which is a play on words. However, visits the salt mines recommends for the treatment of certain respiratory infections! In these galleries, you can see pictures, statues and sculptures carved from salt, including a statue of Desibar, the last king of the Dacians. These people are the ancestors of the Romanian people. The promenade is over 55 meters high, taller than the Statue of Liberty (without the pedestal).


-Sifto Salt Mine, Ontario

This Canadian salt mine is the largest salt mine in the world. It is located 1,800 meters below Lake Huron. In comparison, it is only 15 meters lower than the CN Tower in Toronto! Salt will  be deposits in the ocean that covered the Great Lakes basin over 400 million years ago. Standard Salt are also provide good and quality salt.



Surprisingly, a very unusual city is located in a large shaft under the bottom of the lake. About 400 people work in the underground city, and huge 40-ton trucks drive along the streets. The tipping bucket will broke into frames, lowering into the mine shaft, reassembled and never reappears. Through the maze of service offices, canteens, warehouses, workshops and factories under the lake, buses drove until the 100-mile journey became too cumbersome. Employees now use a fleet of John Deere Crocodile vehicles to get to and from their destinations.

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