Gas Safety Certificate Archives - Voice Magazines

Gas Safety Certificate to Consider Before Installing a Boiler


The installation of a boiler requires the Gas Safety Certificate. While you may be considering installing a new boiler in your home, you should be aware that making a decision may be more difficult than you imagine because of various variables, including the fact that installing a new boiler in the UK typically costs £3,000. … Read more

What You Need to Know About A Gas Safety Certificate?


Landlords and property managers may rest easy knowing they have the essential gas safety documents, thanks to the Gas Safety Certificate. A Landlord is compelled by law to rent out their property. The following is a detailed guide to gas certificates for engineers. The following are the specifics of what is mentioned in this article. … Read more

Landlord Gas Safety Certificate UK in London and Essex


To comply with the law, a landlord must have a Gas Safety Certificate UK performed once every year on any property rented out before a new tenant moves in. Any safety concerns or boiler problems that need to be addressed must be remedied. At Gas Safety Certificate UK, we provide services geared at assisting landlords … Read more