Guide to Design Your Kitchen in Nice Way - Voice Magazines

Guide to Design Your Kitchen in Nice Way

When you have to work on designing your home, you should keep quite a few things in mind so you can have a solid experience you can rely upon at all times, a combination of aesthetics and a practical edge to avoid the worst of it. The following guidelines will give you pointers you can work with to make it all a reality:

Planning ahead

When you need to work on a major redesign for a kitchen, you should focus on function first and aesthetics as a secondary target. Whether you want an island in the middle if the size of the kitchen allows it, an L-shaped solution or something similar is up to you, but you will need to have at most six feet or its equivalent so you can make movement between them during cooking easier to do.

Creating storage opportunities

One of the most common mistakes made by people working on designing a room during the planning phase is to fail to consider the need for sufficient storage capabilities around the kitchen. Put the overhead cabinets close to the ceiling instead of leaving the usual gap that could quite easily collect dust and worse. This will still allow you access to the pots and pans but it will be much easier when you need to do any storage and work at home.


Unlike most of the other rooms around your home, the kitchen needs to be well lit at all times when you are working on it. You don’t want to have any light that is behind your back so the shadow will fall where you work during cooking. This will make things safer for you and it will not be difficult to see things once you are done with the job. You can focus on this before moving the house to a new place or even after years of living there, lighting is always important.

Power sources

You need the right power source distribution for the appliances already there, which means you will need to figure things out in such a way as to make them conveniently placed around the kitchen without it becoming too hard to use them. If you have anything crammed in there you will need to push some drain lines or cables out of the way to make it work.

Spacing and surfaces

There is no such thing as having too much space on your counters, especially in a very active kitchen. You will need to work on surfaces that are easy to handle and clean, since this will be one of the biggest challenges after cooking is done. Don’t underestimate the importance of spaces when you’re done with relocation and the chance to improve your kitchen.

Safety measures

You will need to be sure your kitchen is as safe as you can make it, especially when you have children running about so you will need to ensure you have a good visibility to your backyard, cooking area and indoor areas if possible. Rounded countertops will give you a chance to keep the kitchen safe from hurting yourself on sharp corners, not to mention using a slip-resistant type of flooring.

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